Thursday, May 23, 2013

Far North Queensland

While wandering about the Gold Coast, I spied this:

Not seen too many of these about. Nice bike though.

Heading north, I didn't linger anywhere. The trip was very uneventful. Just days of driving. Not very interesting.  Lots of road trains about:

I'm now up north, sweltering in the winter temps: 22C overnight, 86% humidity. Daytime temps have hit 27C.  I miss the cooler weather down south. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wallabadha through to the Gold Coast

Creek at Wallabadha
Well its cooler up high. Temps been dropping to 3C overnight. And had a few light showers. No problems in the metal tent for water getting in, but it has been a bit tough getting up and moving early.   I have found condensation down low in the van - on the bottom of bottles and tins in my storage system. I'm not sure if this is from my breathing in the van - without the window open, or just from travelling from low areas to high areas with cooler temps, and not adequate ventilation to dry it out. I opened out the storage area and it all dried up, but the next night it was back again. Will need to keep an eye on it.

After the cooler weather, I dropped down to the coast for a night near Byron Bay. Much warmer at 18C.  Seemed lots of angry people about when I was lunching in the park. Guys yelling aggressively at one another. Pushing, shoving, name calling, lots of expletives. Uncomfortable to be around, so I didn't. Diving out, passing the servo another blue in progress. Yicks - what was it with Sunday?

Now staying with friends for a few days on the Gold Coast before deciding if to just head up the coastal road, or to track inland for a bit.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

On the road again.. Broke

Well, time to farewell Sydney again and head north. First stop for the day is my old favourite: Broke

A bit or history for the place. Its certainly a lot smaller now.

Found the above information board near the new bridge Looking at the water flowing underneath, I dare say it was probably a lot deeper back in those days. At the moment it looks like you could hop across without wetting your feet.  The bridge is high off the water, so the floods would be a sight to see.

I left Sydney after the morning peak hours rush was over and this time it was a lot less busy getting out. The trip still took me four and a half hours driving time. Yeah, I wasn't rushing at all. Stopped several times for a break.  Just cruised along gently along the Putty Road. I thought it was very scenic.  Day dreamed about cycling along it.. I still having bicycle withdrawal symptoms. Still got my bike with me in the van though. And do get out and ride it. But not the same as days touring. Trade offs...

Time is a passing. And this clock says it all: