It was good being out in the country smells again - grass, gums, and cows. No road kill yet.
Checked out all the cemetarys I passed. Lots of dead people, passed awy, some are resting, others were "called" (Why do they answer?), some "gone to a better place" (What didn't they like about this one?)
The day was overcast, and warm. Spent three hours eating lunch and reading. Then started being more serious about getting somewhere. With a full stomach, it was slow pedalling.
Stopped for a drink at a fence gate, and one of the few cars I'd seen stopped. They owned the paddock and were going to do some fencing. We talked for a couple minutes. They offered that I could sleep on their property. So I cycled in after them and helped them with the fencing. As we were moving along the fence, I found the best spot to camp. Little stream trickeling in the background, lots of birds.
Woke up this morning to birds singing.
Pictures; Tried different packing strategies. The great outdoors!! A model of a church that once existed in the cemetry. (Wonder if the church had problems with snakes?) The morning tent view